Pictures Text
3D6 Supers!
A superhero RPG

Blasters & Bulkheads
Space Opera skirmish battles in a far-flung future

Still playing through the 1st few games, so It works, now to fit a universe to it.
Blasters & Bulkheads 2nd Edition
Space Opera, Science-Fantasy, Space-Fantasy, or even Techno-Fantasy miniatures rules.

Excellent system for those who love to create their own mythos and campaing as well as characters and warbands
Chaos in Carpathia
Fast-paced skirmish-level game of clashes between men and monsters in the Victorian era

It is a rule easy to learn, simultaneously it is simple but complete.
Chaos on Cronos
Miniatures game of Pulp Science Fiction

Another fun game for the Goal System. Like Chaos in Carpathia, Chaos on Chronos is a hoot to play.
Goalsystem Delves
Rules and adventures for playing character-driven skirmish games in fantasy worlds

Full review here:
Goalsystem Fantasy
A complete fantasy skirmish system designed for 28mm miniatures play

Takes the Goal system to the fantasy realm. It's a great system that can be adapted to any genre easily. Nice that it's now in Fantasy too.
Goalsystem ‘Zine #1
The occasional support sheet for Goalsystem series

Thank you for the updates
Goalsystem ‘Zine #2
The occasional support sheet of Four-Color Studios’ Goalsystem series of games

Goalsystem ‘Zine #3
The occasional support sheet of Four-Color Studios’ Goalsystem series of games



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